What are the consumer trends for 2023?

Door Jan Roekens | 22-12-2022

In a year infused with distress, instability and vulnerability, where we struggled through crisis after crisis, people are searching for meaning. In WHAT MATTERS 2023 InSites Consulting describes the emerging trends for 2023 which are centred around people recalibrating their roles and re-examining the world they live in and how they live in it. The report aims to help the readers to understand their audiences today and tomorrow.

Twelve months ago, there were high hopes that 2022 would be a year to ‘rebound and rebalance’ in the aftermath of the global pandemic. Unfortunately, we’ve struggled through another year of distress and instability, something which today we can describe as a ‘permacrisis’. Against this backdrop, we need to understand what people expect from brands in the near future. InSites Consulting’s new consumer study therefore combines cultural and macro analysis, collaboration with leading-edge consumers, and a 17-market quantification, to reveal what matters to people in 2023. InSites Consulting brings you 12 consumers trends that highlight what matters to people.

Be amongst the first to receive the WHAT MATTERS 2023 trend report for free.

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Auteur: Jan Roekens, Hoofdredacteur

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