Great and beautiful data visualization requires graphic design and storytelling skills in addition to great analysis skills. MIE is welcoming some great data visualization experts to explain their successful approach.
While data visualization is often conjures thoughts of business intelligence teams who crunch data with web analysts into heavy data reports, it’s usually a lot more creative and colourful than you might think. There are many wide-ranging applications from business dashboards to public health visualizations to culture trend breakdowns. Great and beautiful data visualization requires graphic design and storytelling skills in addition to great analysis skills. MIE 2019 is welcoming some great data visualization experts to explain their successful approach.
More impact with your insights
Michiel Dullaert, data designer and owner at DePerfecteGrafiek, collects and combines knowledge from various disciplines and creates his own style in data visualization. In which everything is focused on the movement of the reader. You will recognize in his story subjects from the world of data analysis, design, communication and user experience, mixed with elements from psychology, storytelling and gamification.
The Art of Visualizing Data
Gert Franke, Co-founder & Director, at CLEVER°FRANKE will speak about the art of visualizing data at Thursday 7th of February, the second conference day.
CLEVER°FRANKE enables the understanding, exploration and discovery of data, freeing the user to focus on what matters.
Our work is at the forefront of design and technology; a constraint we are constantly challenging. Using data as a strategic asset throughout our creative process; we empower our insights and validate our outputs. It enables us to work smarter, improving on solutions that get it right. No decision is made arbitrarily, we leave nothing to chance.
Is data visualisation the holy grail for processing information? The Art of Visualizing Data explores the question and use of data visualization as a tool and service.