Today, the market research industry faces tough challenges in connecting with consumers meaningfully. For example, the quality of conversations we have with consumers often get diluted due to clunky surveys that feel like a tedious interrogation. As a result, consumers tend to provide unthoughtful and passive responses, leading to a blurry mirror of true consumer behavior and sentiment. Therefore the industry needs to relook at how we can improve the quality of conversations we have with consumers.
In a study for FrieslandCampina, Epiphany leveraged its proprietary Conversation Design™ platform to unveil insights on morning rituals in 12 countries across 4 continents, giving access to true and more meaningful consumer conversations.
Sign up for Epiphany’s Road to MIE talk with Annemieke Onderdelinden en Jan Kienhuis on May 21st at 09.00 AM.
It’s all about insights.
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