Alexander Singewald New Chair for the ESOMAR Disciplinary Committee

Door Jan Roekens | 07-03-2023

The ESOMAR Disciplinary Committee is the final and highest port of call for any disciplinary procedure. Chaired by an independent legal expert, the Committee draws upon the most experienced researchers to form an investigatory panel for each complaint. ESOMAR has appointed Alexander Singewald as the new Chair of the Disciplinary Committee.

‘Alexander Singewald has accepted to take on this important position and at ESOMAR we could not be happier to have such an experienced and seasoned professional joining us,’ said Geraldine Proust, Head of Public Affairs and Professional Standards at ESOMAR

Mr. Alexander Singewald (right) is CEO of Singewald Consultants Group based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He studied law at the University of Amsterdam and graduated in 1989. He mainly deals with issues in the field of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Telecommunications Act or soon the Telecommunications Regulation in marketing and (statistical) research. He works for national and international clients, in and outside the EU.

He started his working life at the Data Protection Authority before working at Singewald Consultants Group in 1998. He is also chairman of the Promotional Products Disputes Committee, secretary of the Research and Statistics Appeals Committee in Netherlands. And he is a member of the expertise center of the Data & Insights Network in Amsterdam.

Auteur: Jan Roekens, Hoofdredacteur

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