Florien Cramwinckel, Online Dialogue

Discover M(I)E – Help! My customers are not doing what I want

Door Jan Roekens | 23-05-2021

Organizations invest time and resources in order to motivate their customers. Many of these efforts do not lead to more sales, leads, engagement or other KPIs.

‘Do you know what your customer really wants?’

These failed efforts do, however, leave you frustrated. Why are your beautiful images, compelling USP’s and moving content not effective? Why are your customers not doing what you want?

Discover how motivation really works, why you failed to motivate your customers, and what it takes to be successful.

‘Motivation is the optimization strategy that is most often misused’

Curious? Join Florien Cramwinckel (Online Dialogue) at her Road to MIE-session on June 3rd at 04.30 PM.

More information and register!

It’s all about insights.
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Auteur: Jan Roekens, Hoofdredacteur

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