‘Technologie en cultuur geven communicatie nieuwe dynamiek’

Door Jan Roekens | 07-03-2024

Op de tweede dag van MIE’24 geven Gert Koot en Maxime de Jonge van Human Tales een lezing onder de titel: ‘Changing the Dialogue’. Het gaat over het veranderende landschap van communicatie temidden van technologische en culturele verschuivingen. Een nieuwe blik op het zender-ontvangermodel en de gevolgen voor bedrijven en merken. De lezing is in het Engels en Gert Koot beantwoordde onze vragen alvast in die taal. ‘We’ll offer insights into building bridges between diverse cultures and brands’.

Waar ga je het over hebben op het MIE en waarom juist hierover?

‘At the MIE conference, we will discuss the shifting landscape of communication dynamics amidst technological and cultural changes. Specifically, we’ll delve into the transformation of the traditional sender-receiver model, highlighting how technology has influenced this shift. We aim to explore the implications of this reversal, emphasizing the importance of understanding both quantitative data and cultural nuances in communication strategies. This topic addresses a fundamental aspect of modern communication that is often overlooked but increasingly crucial in today’s rapidly evolving digital age.’

Welke praktische aanpak wil je de bezoekers van je presentatie meegeven?

‘Our practical approach for visitors to our presentation will focus on navigating the complexities of modern communication by embracing both quantitative data and genuine human understanding. We’ll provide strategies for adapting to the changing landscape, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a recognizable identity amidst the unpredictability of technological and cultural shifts. Additionally, we’ll offer insights into building bridges between diverse cultures and brands, providing actionable advice for enhancing communication effectiveness in an ever-changing environment.’

Wat is voor jou hét inzicht van 2023?

‘The insight of 2023 for us is the recognition of the interplay between technology, culture, and communication dynamics. We understand that while technological advancements continue to shape the way we interact and communicate, it is equally essential to consider the cultural context in which these changes occur. By acknowledging this intersection, we can better navigate the complexities of modern communication and anticipate future trends and developments.’

Wat wordt – naast AI – de belangrijkste ontwikkeling in de komende één à twee jaar?

‘In the near future, there will be a shift in recognition of humanity’s complexities, including emotions, as the catalyst for transformation. This movement urges organizations to embrace and collaborate in this evolution, prioritizing individuals, and their realities at the core. It’s a call to explore and create space for transformation together, acknowledging the obvious but often overseen important role of human experiences in shaping the future.’

De MIE-lezing van Gert Koot en Maxime de Jonge is op donderdag 14 maart om 14.55 uur. Alle informatie over het MIE en reserveren van kaarten op www.mie.nl

‘Technologie en cultuur geven communicatie nieuwe dynamiek’
Gert Koot en Maxime de Jonge

Auteur: Jan Roekens, Hoofdredacteur

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