CMNTY launches virtual focus group and real-time video chat solution

Door Jan Roekens | 22-04-2020

CMNTY Corporation has expanded its platform with real-time video chat functionality. The new solution called Focus makes it easy to host video sessions as part of in-depth interviews, virtual focus
groups and live brainstorming sessions.

CMNTY’s mission has always been to help market researchers overcome challenges in their daily research tasks. With the current COVID-19 crisis and the inability to perform in-person research, CMNTY made it a priority to develop a real-time video solution.
“The market research industry is in need of a response to overcome the health and economical crisis, with in-person research nearly being impossible.” says Maxim Schram, founding CEO of CMNTY. ”An online community is a great research tool, especially now people are at home en masse and ready to talk. Focus taps into people’s natural tendency to connect with others through video, leading to even more useful insights.”

Focus is an extension to CMNTY’s qualitative research toolkit. It provides an easy way to conduct a live group chat session with a moderator, respondents and observers within a community platform. It helps record non-verbal communication such as body language and tone of voice on topics that are emotionally and spontaneously oriented.

“We are very much looking forward to introducing the new Focus solution to our clients.”, says Fabian Bäumer, senior expert Insights & Innovation at Beautiful Lives. “The ability to take a deep dive with participants during an online conversation on the content they created allows us to enrich our ethnographic research. We can bring the best of (online) focus groups, i.e. depth and specific details, together with the assignments that we have participants carry out in the online community. And the fact that everything is in one ecosystem will also provide a lot of efficiency. In short, we are eager to work with it!”

CMNTY Platform combines a variety of online quant and qual data collection methods in one single, online environment. Companies can host forum discussions, co-creation sessions, polls, surveys, heat maps and private messaging and now also video group sessions. Focus fully integrates with the platform’s recently developed central insights hub CMNTY Pulse, giving community managers access to the recorded video sessions, automated audio transcripts and sentiment for further analysis.

Bron: Persbericht CMNTY, 22 april 2020

Auteur: Jan Roekens, Hoofdredacteur

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