ESOMAR publishes the 2021 Global Market Research report

Door Jan Roekens | 11-10-2021

ESOMAR published the 2021 Global Market Research report. It is one of the largest and most comprehensive reports on the size and characteristics of the insights industry.

Highlighs from the report are:

  • With an absolute growth of around 2%, the insights industry proved to be key to navigate the pandemic in 2020. But not all regions managed to show growth.
  • The challenges of 2020 pushed insights companies to innovate. This resulted in a global spike of technology-enabled methods.
  • The pandemic hit particularly hard the most established market research companies with a growth of -3%, while the technology-enabled ones grew 10%.
  • The difficulty to carry out in-depth interviews and other qualitative research led to a global contraction of qualitative research in 2020 in favour of quantitative ones.
  • Research projects became increasingly domestic in 2020, with more than $3 billion being spent in local projects.
  • The pandemic made it difficult to perform F2F research. Yet not all countries could to move research online.

The report is available from ESOMAR. Library 2021 – ESOMAR, the global insights community

ESOMAR and mTab Partner to Elevate Insight250

The inaugural Insight250 list was revealed last April featuring leaders, innovators, visionaries and pioneers focused on elevating and enhancing market research, consumer intelligence and data-driven marketing. The inaugural winners came from over three dozen countries across academia, enterprises, agencies, charities and associations. To date, the list had over 20 million impressions. To further elevate the exposure and expand the reach of the Insight250, ESOMAR and mTab (market research technology), announce that they intend to make the Insight250 the global standard and ensuring the awards are diverse, representative, robust and transparent. Nominations for the 2022 Insight250 officially open on October 18, 2021 at

ESOMAR will play a major role in the nomination, selection and announcement processes for the Insight250 honor. These processes will include the participation of ESOMAR representatives, including its country representatives from around the world. In addition, both mTab and ESOMAR hope to include winners or honorees from all existing award categories, to ensure a global representation of the community’s ‘glitterati’.

Auteur: Jan Roekens, Hoofdredacteur

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